Friday 15 April 2011

Evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 3

Evaluation question 2

At the top is our media product with our two ancillary products below which are a radio trailer and an advertisement poster, as you can see I have kept our main product not linked to our ancillary products shown above, this is because I feel that the effectiveness of our ancillary products combined with our main product is only partially effective. This is because our product “Two Steps Behind” is a suspense film about someone who is feeling fear as they are being followed. I believe that our ancillary products only work well with the plot of our film, because they show some elements of suspense. For example in the radio trailer footsteps are played in the background, so it gives the audience a sense that someone is being followed by foot, also on the poster we deliberately used an over the shoulder shot, as most of our film uses these shots and emphasises someone being watched.

However our ancillary products are not effective with our main product, because when you look at our poster and hear our radio trailer portrays the film as a dark, scary and threatening; however our product is not like this as it is filmed in broad daylight. We discussed this in our “behind the scenes” post explaining that we do not have the effects and abilities major camera crews have, because we tried to film in the dark but it was difficult for us to see. As our film genre is suspense it does not necessarily mean that our film had to be dark, because the whole point of suspense is creating feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, which we did by creating a stalker film. However our ancillary products made it seem, that our film was a horror instead of suspense. This is because our poster is dark and menacing so when we asked people they thought our film would be shot in the dark and was surprised that it was filmed in the daytime. Our radio trailer also made people expect our film to be different to how it was portrayed as the background music is scarier then suspenseful.

Evaluation question 1

I do believe that my media product develop the codes and conventions of short films, as when I have researched short films the codes and conventions are:

Short films usually only have one or two main characters: My product only has two main actors through out the whole film, we kept this convention as we felt wanted to keep our film simple so our audience would be able to understand it.

Short films usually last 1-5 minutes: My media product 4 minutes 23 seconds, so we do not challenge, We found it a struggle to gain the extra seconds as we are so new and inexpereienced with creating our own short film.

Short films always have a twist in the end: My product shows that it meets the codes and conventions, as when our main actor opens the wallet he discovers that it is empty which the audience was not expecting, we did this as we wanted to leave the audience wanting to know more.

Not much dialogue in short films: We kept this convention, as when we were planning our film our teachers emphasised the importance of minimsing dialogue, as we are being assessed on our range of camera skills, not the actual plot in our film.

Voice overs are highly used in short films: My media product challenged this convention, as we wanted to make it seem urban that it why we used urban background music, however a voice over could have been used in our product.